Metrics and Monitoring: The Right Tools


If your toolkit is full of the wrong tools for remote editing, then you’re not the only one. It can often be like trying to fit a round peg into a square hole.


With the industry rapidly changing and evolving towards cloud-based, multi-user and AI assisted platforms, it’s important to invest in the right tools for remote editing. This is, simply, the key to successful content delivery and management in the everchanging broadcast and post-production world.


In the final blog in our metrics and monitoring series, we help you to find the right tools for remote editing efficiency and explain how to get the right storage platform to stop you falling into the trap of paying for storage you may not need.

The Rise of Remote Editing

With dispersed, global teams becoming more common – it’s no surprise to see an influx of demand for remote editing systems and software.


Every category of the industry that exists end-to-end across broadcasting, post-production and media service providers, are meeting the need to move remotely and operate (almost entirely) via the cloud. In most scenarios, it’s no longer a case of editing with racks of equipment from an office space, and this change has been evident for some time now. Providing the tools to work remotely, and with optimal storage solutions, is not just preferred – it’s now becoming more of a prerequisite.


There is an overwhelming need for a centralised overview of post-production, regardless of your teams’ location, and a direct tailored impact on multi-site systems for the benefit of remote workflows.


The broadcast and post-production industry, alongside media service providers of all kinds, are leaning towards a dynamic resource management approach, and a re-imagined direction towards remote editing and the teams that thrive within it.

Finding The Right User Interface (UI)

What makes up the ultimate remote editing toolkit, anyway? There are a few key factors involved in putting together the right tools for a remote editing environment.


Having an optimised UI is undeniably valuable in the process of remote editing. When editing remotely, the process requires an all-in-one software platform that is easy to operate and customisable for the requirements of any company within the broadcast and post-production industry. By introducing an easy-to-use interface that supports cloud, hybrid and on-premises workflows, the correct choice of UI makes multi-site workstation management easily optimisable and user-friendly.

Finding The Right Storage Metrics

Another key element to consider is the storage metrics for your remote editing software, and how efficient it will perform across the board. You’ll need to factor in cost efficiency, customisability and cloud resource accessibility to make it the optimal choice for a post-production team in a remote editing scenario.


With so many media service providers making the move to the cloud, it is becoming all the more vital to consider cloud resources in your software investments. AWS cloud resources inside Lens provides the opportunity for minimised storage spend across the entire platform, promoting a hybrid cloud server over a private one. This reduces cloud costs and eliminates infrastructure maintenance, alongside reducing the total cost of ownership (TCO).


It’s essential to optimise storage costs, avoiding unnecessary egress fees. With the resources available with AWS, granular, restore and recovery options are available across remote, hybrid and on-premises environments to ensure that data is only available when you need it to be.

Take The Next Step

Beating the curve with the rapid and evolving changes in the industry is a smart move, and one that is becoming more accessible to everyone. Optimising your storage solutions and ensuring that you have the best toolkit for remote working is the best place to start.


If you’ve been on the hunt for the right tools for a while, you’ll be happy to know that you can request a demo of Lens by following this handy link here.