
If your toolkit is full of the wrong tools for remote editing, then you’re not the only one. It can often be like trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. With the industry rapidly changing and evolving towards cloud-based, multi-user and AI assisted platforms, it’s important to invest in the right tools for remote editing. This is, simply, the key to successful content...

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If your toolkit is full of the wrong tools for remote editing, then you’re not the only one. It can often be like trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. With the industry rapidly changing and evolving towards cloud-based, multi-user and AI assisted platforms, it’s important to invest in the right tools for remote editing. This is, simply, the key to successful content...

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Sometimes, having your head in the clouds is a good thing. Even better? Having your system in the cloud. Cloud economics promise features such as enhanced flexibility, improved efficiency, and reduced costs. However, for many media service providers, navigating expenses, optimising workflows and monitoring storage resources proves to be enough to put them off; and who can blame them?...

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Despite the call for workers to return to the office post pandemic, the shift to remote working is here to stay with an increasing number of companies embracing this model as a permanent solution to their workforce needs. This is no different in the broadcast and post-production industries, where they face the challenge of managing teams working in a remote, hybrid and on-premises capacity....

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This is the second blog in our integration and implementation series. In the first blog, we explored the challenges around integration and looked at how to achieve system fluency across the media workflow. Now, we’ll go on to consider why it’s important to ask the right questions at the start of the process....

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This requirement for system fluency is now more important than ever, as workflows increasingly become composites of many separate solutions. From a technology perspective, integrating different solutions from multiple vendors can be challenging, as they don’t necessarily speak the same language. How can organisations achieve system fluency in a complex broadcast landscape?...

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